DAVINCI Teeth Whitening

DaVinci’s method is a light accelerated teeth whitening system, using LED blue light and our natural, plant and mineral based laser whitening gel to safely remove staining from your teeth in 15 to 45 minutes.

DaVinci Whitening works great on stains caused by tobacco, foods, beverages, and discoloration due to age.  Although tetracycline and fluoride staining can not be removed completely, we typically see great results with this type of staining.

DaVinci whitening will remove stains from crowns, fillings, veneers, etc. but will not lighten them beyond their original color. Our whitening products do not damage existing dental work.

Everyone’s teeth are different , so depending on how porous your teeth are, how white you want to be, and what your staining is; you may choose up to three 15 minute applications in a single whitening session. For extended long term results, you may choose to use the DaVinci Home Care Maintenance Kit and/or Touch-up Pen for on the GO maintenance. DaVinci product is made by DaVinci in the USA and is FDA Compliant.